We would love to have you visit one of our locations this weekend. We offer multiple services, plus our amazing Bridge Kids ministry for kids birth-5th grade.
Our services last about 70 minutes and contain great music and practical teaching. What do we mean by practical? It means that we work hard to help you understand how God and His word can change and influence your life today. It will help your marriage, your family, your friendships, your job, and your entire life. We believe it.
Scroll down for more info. See you this weekend!
Locations & Times
302 E Euclid Ave, Prospect Heights, IL 60070 map
Sat 5p | Sun 8:30a + 10a + 11:30a
(formerly 9a + 11a)

What To Expect ON YOUR VISIT
Where do I park?
All of our locations have on-site parking. When you arrive, our parking lot attendants are there to help! We've got you covered.
What about my kids?
Our Bridge Kids ministry is open for all of our services for kids birth-5th grade. You can learn more about Bridge Kids here.
What's a service like?
Our services are full of energy, awesome music, and relevant teaching straight from the Bible. Our teaching team communicates in a way that is easy for everyone to understand, including those who have little church background, or faith traditions that are different from ours.
What do I wear?
We have found this to be a popular question. People dress comfortably and casually, so wear whatever you'd like!
Anything else?
We have a gift for you. Make sure you grab it on your way out!