Kaylee Ringstrand
Kaylee Ringstrand
Bridge Kids Coordinator
My Motivation
When I was younger, I was loved and taught by my Sunday School teachers which really helped me continue to walk with God in my adult years. Seeing how much impact those people had on my life makes me want to be a part of that with this next generation of kids. I want to show them the great adventure of following Jesus.
My Background
My family and I have been attending the Bridge for 6 years. Summer of 2023, I worked as a counselor at The Woods and it was amazing! I love that I get to continue serving the younger generations as Bridge Kids Coordinator.
My Spiritual Journey
I grew up in the church, but I didn’t truly have a relationship with Him until near the end of my senior year in high school. My mom played a HUGE part in my walk with Christ, encouraging me to seek God as my Father and not just as a chore I have to do. Seeing her walk with God and how close she is with Him has really been an incredible role model for how I want to know Jesus.
One moRe thing
I love to dance spontaneously!